Monday, October 11, 2010

Client Site Experience

Developing and delivering project successfully itself a very challenging task. But to go on site, face customer, fix bugs, go live activity etc is most challenging of all. I got the chance to go onsite this year. The most important lesson I learned is "Every requirement should be documented." To deliver task in pressure environment is not just a task when you are with customer, you have to keep customer at his initial requirement is most important of all. This issue can make delay in your projects. 

Although my task was little difference as I was working under client project manager.I was given a chance to work for Barclays Bank PLC Dubai. Basically it was three months task, but was then extended for six months. I worked mainly on Business Intelligence feature of SQL Server. I worked on banking domain in many of my projects before but to work in real environment and understanding banking system in depth was an interesting task.The most challenging and interesting work was to write a procedure to give a single view of bank customer from the different system of account, card and investment. A very detail testing made it efficient and bug free.

One fear I always had of was web service, which also vanished. I wrote some web services from scratch with proper logging and error handling. It gave me full hand on web services.

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